Tuesday 15 December 2015

Group Meetings - Miss Georgiou

The purpose of group meetings is so that all member of our group are planned and organised and know when we are planning or filming what. Additionally, the group meetings can also help us when looking back to ensure that we completed all stages of planning and production and to ensure that all members helped though out the making of out thriller. Therefore, it is essential to carry out group meetings so everyones knows what is going on as well as it making it easier to work out what he have or have not planned. Also, it will allow filming and editing to run smoothly as we would of organised and planned everything within our group meetings. As a result, it helped me and the rest of my group in constructing production as during these group meetings we could discuss out ideas. We would then combine these ideas together in order to create an efficient plan in making sure that our production runs smoothly and effectively. Some strengths of carrying our our group meetings are that we all got to have a say in out planning our productions and so all ideas was used instead of taking the ideas from just one person. Also, we could refer ack to previous group meetings to ensure that we have panned everything and that we have not missed any of the stages of planning our thriller sequence.
From carrying out our group meetings i have learned that it is vital to plan out the meetings so that everyones opinions are shared and heard amongst our group. This results in including everything people believe should be included in our opening thriller sequence and so it is successful. I believed that me and my group worked well together. This is because we shared our ideas and always took into consideration other peoples opinions on what should be included and how our final thriller opening sequence should look. Moreover, i think my group worked well as we shared all the jobs and roles between us so everyone done and even amount of work. Next time i would change the way we planned and discussed who would have what role and who would film and edit next. This is because as a group we ended up always having the same job to do, which became repetitive. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of why group meetings are essential to carry out and how it can aid a production to become successful. The table that you have included helps to show an account of the meetings that took place and how it helped your production to become successful. It also demonstrates how you and your shared the responsibilities in your group.

    1) Elaborate on your conclusion, by explaining in more detail, what would you do differently next time and why?
