Tuesday 1 December 2015

Opening Sequence Analysis Of Halloween - Miss Georgiou

“How does the opening sequence of the film Halloween, inform the audience of the conventions of a thriller film?”

The purpose of an opening scene is to engage the audience straight away into the story line, this is done by introducing the plot and narrative as well as set the scene and mood. Additionally, it also reveals and enigma this then keeps the audience intrigued wanting to find out more and watch the rest of the film. As well as this it introduces the characters, location also it usually contains a killer, low key lighting, shock, surprise and suspense. Furthermore, during the opening sequence a death will take place and will be carried out by and unknown antagonist. This builds up suspense and tension for the audience as to who the antagonist is and what his motives for killing the person were. In this essay I will be analysing the opening sequence from Halloween released in 1978.

Representation of characters
The female victim is wearing a white top this represents purity it also portrays the girl as being young and innocent as there is no particular reason which the audience is aware of for her to be targeted by the antagonist. In the thriller genre it is conventional for the victim to be a young blonde female as it causes the audience to have a better relationship to the character as they feel more sympathy towards the character and can sense the characters vulnerability. Compared to if the victim was a male this is because the audience do not feel as worried and have less sympathy towards a male victim as they are not portrayed as being defenceless where as a female victim is. 

Additionally, the antagonist is and unknown character and has a hidden identity until the end of the scene but is implied to the audience as being a man however, when his identity is revealed at the end of the opening scene we find out it is the female victims younger brother. This creates an enigma because the audience does not expect the boy who is usually represented as being naive and innocent but instead the young boy is represented as being the killer. This is conventional to a thriller because it creates the 4 key elements found in a thriller; suspense, shock, surprise and tension. This is when his parents are stood outside his house and pull off his mask and the young boy is standing there with a bloody knife in his hand, which creates and enigma because there is a mystery of who the antagonist is, which is the revealed at the end of the film. This is conventional to the thriller genre as the mystery causes the audience to be engaged as they want to know who the true antagonist is also, it makes them have a sense of fear as they do not expect the young boy to be the killer. 

Cinematography is used in thrillers as it uses different camera shots and angles to help create the four main elements to a thriller such as; suspense, shock, surprise and tension. Throughout Halloweens opening sequence, point of view is used to show the antagonist's perspective, this makes the audience feel as if they are in the antagonists shoes and helps them try to understand what he must be feeling at this time. For example, when the antagonist walks into the kitchen and grabs the knife from inside the draw, a sense of suspense emerges as the audience know that will now be used as the murder weapon and they know who the victim is but they still don't know who the antagonist is as they are only witnessing everyone from his point of view. this is conventional as it create an enigma causing the audience to keep watching as they want to find out who the antagonist is. 

A zooming out shot leading into a high angle shot is used when the antagonist is revealed at the end of the opening scene. The antagonist is revealed as being the victims younger brother Michael, he is left standing in his Halloween fancy dress clown costume after his parents standing either side of him has just pulled off his clown mask, he is also stood there with a knife covered in blood in his hands. This shocks and surprises the audience as they can see see the parents shocked facial expressions also, they do not expect and innocent boy to be the antagonist. The use of the high angle shot was effective and is conventional to the thriller genre as it gives the audience a more shocking reaction, as well as this it shows the boy looking small, powerless and innocent which is contrasting with how an antagonist is usually portrayed in a thriller. Additionally, it also portrays how a murder has just taken place in the house as the house looks vulnerable which is conventional because the boy and the house look inferior which sets and enigma for the rest of the films and keeps the audience wanting to watch more. This is because the audience want answers as they want to know what made the young boy kill his sister and if the killer is him or if he was framed.

In a thriller film editing is important as it help in creating suspense and fear on the audience. many editing styles and techniques are used in the opening of Halloween. One of the editing techniques used in Halloween's opening scene linking of sections, which foreshadows what is going to happen. It does this when the camera is still using P.O.V and looks at the victim and then at the bedroom, which is conventional because it shows where the killer is going to commit the murder. As a result this engages the audience because it makes them worried and scared for the victim as they now know what is going to happen. 

Moreover, slow editing is used when the killer is walking around the house between 0:55 to 2:06, this is conventional because it build up suspension as you do not know when the killer is going to strike this engages the audience because the killer could strike when the audience least expects it which creates a thrill. As well as this slow editing is also used between 2:07 to 3:02, as the antagonist walks slowly up the stairs towards the victims bedroom. This is conventional to the thriller genre as the slow editing builds up tension and suspense for the audience just before the antagonist killed the victim.

Furthermore, a reaction shot is also used towards the end of the opening scene, between 3:03 to 3:15. The reaction shot occurs when the victim looks at the antagonist and screams his name after she is then stabbed she screams again. This is conventional as it demonstrates how the victim did not expect this to happen, which engages the audience as they want to find out what happens next, it also shows the theme of shock as the audience can sense the characters shock that her little brother is holding a knife about to kill her.

At the beginning of the scene, non-diegetic sound is used when the audience can hear kids chanting Halloween rhymes this represents that it is Halloween, which sets the time of year in which the scene takes place. This builds up tension because Halloween is known to be a scary night within the thriller genre also, it is realistic, which means the audience can relate to the scene and picture themselves in it. This causes suspense as well as tension for the audience. 

Non-diegetic sound is also used at 2:17 when Michael, the antagonist is walking up the stairs and the audience can hear the chiming of a clock. The chiming signifies death as it is similar to a church bell, as well as this it signifies that time is running out for the girl who is the victim and that she is going to die. This non-diegtic sound is conventional to the thriller genre as it not only foreshadows to the audience what is about to happen, but it implies the theme of death, which creates suspense for the audience.

Furthermore, there is parallel sound at 1:17 when the antagonist pulls the knife our of the draw. This is parallel sound as the audience expects to be able to hear the scratching of the knife as the antagonist picks it up, which creates suspense and tension as the audience know that this is then going to be used as the murder weapon. This is conventional as they want the audience to be able to hear and see how sharp the knife is so that they know there is going to be harm caused by using the weapon.

The codes and conventions of a thriller:
There are many codes and conventions used in this opening scene such as low key lighting, which is used throughout the scene, inside and outside the house. It connotes that something bad is going to occur. This then create's an eerie atmosphere as well as suspense for the audience, which makes it conventional to the thriller genre. Low key Lighting was also used to imply to the audience that because the scenes takes place on Halloween night which is normally referred to the dark, evil and hidden identities.  Another convention used was 

Another convention used was the iconography of the mask which hides the identity of the killer. We see the antagonist through P.O.V at 2:36 pick up the mask off the floor and put it on before killing the victim. This creates an enigma for the audience as to who is behind and the mask and why the are keeping there identity a secret. The iconography of the mask is conventional to the thriller genre as it is common for the antagonist identity to be kept hidden as it keeps the audience engaged as well as causing an enigma, suspense and tension for the audience. Also, usually at the end of the film when the audience finally find out who is behind the killings and why, the audience are shocked and surprised. Therefore, the antagonist using a mask helps in creating the main theme and elements need to make the thriller.

The opening sequence of the film Halloween (1978) was set on halloween night, which is when young children usually dress up in scary, evil costumes hoping to frighten people. This is similar to the way thriller films hope to scare their audience. As well as this the theme of halloween in the opening sequence links to the plot of the film as the antagonist is dressed in a fancy dress clown costume, which is conventional as it includes him wearing a mask, which hides his identity. The main purpose of a thriller film is to shock and surprise the audience, and also to create suspense and a enigma. The film halloween successfully creates all 4 of these elements in the opening sequence. This because they create shock and surprise for the audience and by the end of the scene suspense and a enigma had also been created this is because the mystery of the killer was finally revealed. Which left the audience in shock to find out that the killer is only the younger brother of the victim. This helped in the creation of the enigma due to the audience questioning Michaels reasons for killing his sister. As a result the audience become more engaged and hooked into the film in the hopes of their question being answered. 

To conclude, this opening sequence informs the audience of the conventions which are used in this thriller. As well as this all the conventions used fit together to help in making the film a successful thriller and although it was only a short opening scene it still included most conventions such as an antagonist, female victim, blood, death, low key lighting and a weapon. All of this then informs the audience that this is a thriller films and lets them know what to expect to see and fin out in the rest of the film.

After analysing the opening scene it has helped me to plan my own thriller opening sequence as i will try to incorporate as many elements to help in building up the thriller atmosphere as well as helping in creating the elements; shock, surprise, suspense, tension and an enigma. Furthermore, i now know what i want to include in my opening sequence, such as an antagonist with an hidden identity as this helps to create a sense of enigma within the sequence as well as this it helps to add shock and surprise. Also, by using the antagonists point of view for the camera shot/angle for the opening sequence, it means that when he puts the mask on before killing the female victim we can see the outline of the mask on the screen to show that he is now wearing one. Additionally, i want to use a female victim as well as slow timing of shots in the build up before the antagonist strikes as both of these help in creating suspense and tension for the audience. Also, by using a female victim the audience are able to relate to the character more easily allowing them to build a better relationship with the character, which will help in keeping the engaged and wanting to watch more. 

Opening Scene From Halloween (1978)


  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of what the purpose of an opening sequence is. You have made a start in analysing the various micro elements that were used, but you need to ensure that your analysis is consistent throughout, as some points and examples need to be explored in more detail.

    1) Elaborate on the points that you have included in your introduction, by explaining what the purpose is
    2) Re consider the points that you have included on sound and editing and this is because these points and examples are a little vague and need to be explored and discussed in more detail throughout
    3) Explore the themes of a thriller in more detail, by explaining how they are used and the purpose it has

  2. This post now demonstrates a sound analysis of Halloween and how micro elements are used within the opening sequence. You have explored the conventions in further detail and have included further points on editing and sound, which enables your analysis to be more detailed.
