Tuesday 17 November 2015

Risk Assessment - Miss Georgiou

The purpose of a risk assessment is to identify any potential risks or hazards, which you could face during filming. We can then go through each risk and highlight precautions that can be taken to prevent them. This means that we can also warn crew and cast members of risks before filming to ensure there safety. Moreover, a risk assessment is important to consider before filming to ensure that filming will run smoothly and so that no one gets hurt. As well as to prevent any equipment from becoming damaged during filming our opening thriller sequence. As well as my group and me have considered back up pas for if something was to go wrong.

My group and me followed our risk assessment well and so we took all the precautions necessary to ensure that we did not encounter any risks or hazards during the filming of our sequence. Additionally, we had looked through our group storyboard to analyse any risks. This allowed us to see the process of our filming and easily highlight any risks that could take place. As a result this meant that our risk assessment was detailed enough to enable us to ensure that there was no further risks that we had to watch out for. 

I have learnt that the role of a risk assessment is essential to have before filming and so you can follow it to enable that no risks occur and so that filming runs smoothly. Also, it helps by keeping everyone safe from any harm and brings down costs of filming the production as a result of using the risk assessment no equipment can become broken or damaged. Therefore, before filming each shot we took into consideration and made all members of our group aware of all the risks to prevent any of them from occurring. By creating the risk assessment it also meant that we could see how this risk was created, which allowed us as a group to then identify similar risks that could of occurred. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of what a risk assessment is and the purpose that it has to a production. You have made a start with considering the potential risks of your production and ways in which you can prevent the risks from occurring, but you need to elaborate on the points that you have included in your conclusion, by elaborating on your points in more detail.
