The purpose of a group storyboard is to create our final storyboard, which as a group we will use and follow while filming and editing our thriller sequence. To make out group storyboard we sat and discussed within our group about what we have included in our individual storyboards. We then looked at all of our strengths from our individual ideas to combine them together to create the best final group storyboard we can in chronological order.
Each shot described and drawn in our group storyboard below was taken from either mine, Leo's or Samara's storyboard. We mostly have similar ideas however, the order of which we thought the events were going to occur in where different in our storyboards and so we have rearranged them so that everyone agrees on the new order of which everything will take place in our sequence.

Pages four, five and six all include frames and elements from each of our individual storyboards. However, frames 11 and 12 were taken from Leo's we used these two frames in particular as they were clear in portraying how the victim will walk down the alley in frame 11 and then in frame 12 she will pick a picture of herself of the wall. Frame 11 was different to mine and Samara's as Leo chose to use tension music as well as slow placed editing. These are both conventional to the thriller genre making his frames elements more conventional than mine and Samara's, which is why we chose it. Furthermore, in frame 12 he incorporated the use of a high angle, which neither me or Samara had included in our individual storyboards. Therefore, we decide on using it in our group storyboard as it is a more complex angle and also makes the sequence more interesting for the audience as they are able to see a variety of angles being used instead of the same simple ones being repeated. As well as this he also stated on using slow pace editing again, this is conventional to the thriller genre and keeps the audience engaged wanting to find out more. This is because it creates suspense and shock when we see the pictures in the alley are of the victim.
To conclude, i think that my group and i have made our group storyboard conventional to the thriller genre. This is due to the reason that it include many conventional elements such as silence and low key lighting that create tension and suspense for the audience. Within our group storyboard we was able to incorporate all of out individual ideas, this is because we all had similar ideas to start with and so only a few things were either added or changed within out frames. If we had to change anything within our sequence then i think it would be to look over the editing styles and maybe change some and try and use more complex ones instead of using the same simple ones over and over again. Additionally, we could also include better decryption os the types of lighting we could use instead of just saying whether it would be high key or low key. For example, we could of added in if we was going to use filler lights.
You have provided a sound analysis of your group’s storyboard, explaining what your sequence will consist of and giving examples of micro-elements used at different stages. However, you have not provided enough of an analysis on these.
ReplyDeleteYou need to:
1) Provide a PEER analysis of the micro-elements used from each of your individual storyboards, explaining why you have chosen these specific elements, what they create and WHY, how a relationship can be built and WHY they are conventional of the genre.
2) Say what thrillers you have taken inspirations from as a group and why - where is this evident in your storyboard?
3) Double check SPAG