Thursday 17 March 2016

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product present particular social groups?

In a thriller film characters are important to include. This is because without characters there would not only be no narrative but also the audience would not be able to build up relationships with the characters. As well as this it allows the audience to relate themselves to the situations or events the character might be going through.

Within our thriller sequence we represented our antagonist as a 32 year old man. However, because of his hidden identity and the way we showed female make-up at the start of our sequence, his character is not completely stereotypical and does have a few subversive aspects. This creates an enigma for the audience as to whether he is actually a male or female. Our antagonist also wore all black to represent his role as well as this colour symbolising death and power.

Compared to our victim who is a 17 year old female. She is stereotypical to the thriller genre as she has light brown, almost blonde hair as well as being young and pretty. Unlike the antagonist she is wearing her school uniform, which links into her role of being a student. Also, we have made sure that she is wearing some white, for example on her shirt and jacket as this symbolises innocence and purity. As a result this contrasts with the antagonist's colours, showing how the characters are complete opposites.

The genders of my character's are stereotypical because they are conventional to the thriller genre. They are conventional as the  female victim is usually quite young so that the audience can either relate to them as they are off a similar age. However, even if they are older than the female victim then they will feel greater sympathy towards her as they realise that she has yet to live her life. Therefore, I have made them stereotypical by having a female victim that the audience can build a better relationship compared to if the victim was a male. This is due to the reason that by the victim being female a greater amount of sympathy can be felt towards her. The audience are then able to build and emotional relationship with the character.

My target audience, which is age 15 and above will be able to relate the characters easily due to the reason that they are off a similar age to the character. This will help in them understanding the narrative better as they can imagine themselves in the victims perspective. Additionally, although they might not because to connect with the antagonist well. However, they can still relate him to antagonists from other thrillers they might of watched and so they can imagine him in that perspective and how he is twisted in the mind.

1 comment:

  1. A somewhat proficient analysis as you have mentioned the age and gender of each of your characters, as well as explained their costumes and how you intended them to come across to the audience. You have mentioned how the audience can relate to them to an extent, but need to elaborate on this further, as well as elaborate on stereotypes of gender and age to emphasis their roles and purpose.
