Monday 19 October 2015

Group Narrative - Miss Georgiou

My group members are me, Samara Stevenson and Leo Ly.

Group member 1: Layla Boudaboussa
My idea for my opening two minute thriller sequence is to have a mentally disturbed man sitting on his computer obsessing over a young pretty girl. Over time his obsession increases and he starts to follow her around taking pictures of her. The audience do not know the antagonists true motive for the girl, which then causes an enigma for the audience keeping them engaged as they want to find out more.
The strengths of my individual narrative are that it includes and enigma  this is conventional to the thriller genre as it helps in creating suspense as well as this it keeps the audience questioning what is going to happen next, which keeps them engaged. Another strength of my narrative is that it has the theme of obsession, which is a common theme throughout thrillers and is conventional to the genre and it links in with psychological thrillers. As well as this my narrative includes a female victim, this is conventional to thrillers as it it creates tension also the audience can relate to a female victim and feel more sympathy than if the victim was male.
My weaknesses of my narrative are that i have not wrote about the setting in which my sequence will take place. I have also not stated whether the antagonist is going to wear a mask or if they have a hidden identity or not. Furthermore, i have also not identified if shock, surprise, suspense and tension are going to be shown within the sequence and if they are then where. 

Group Member 2: Samara Stevenson
My idea for a two minute opening sequence will be about obsession. There will be a male that has an obsession with a young female. She lives on her own and he goes into her house and watches her sleep, takes her possessions, cuts off some hair and smells her perfume. He has this obsession because he thinks she is beautiful and he knows that he is a freak so will never have a chance with her.
In my opinion her work includes many strengths such as including an enigma as the antagonist is unknown to the audience as well as the victim. Additionally, she has included a young female victim, this is conventional and as she is young it demonstrates to the audience that she is weak. Also, she has set her location as a abandoned house, which is conventional to thrillers as they are usually set in isolated locations. 
Samara's narrative also has some weaknesses to her work, for example her narrative is too vague and doesn't go into much detail. As well as this it doesn't include many thriller themes other than the theme of obsession as so it might not have much suspense to it keeping the audience interested in the film. Furthermore, she does not include a murder within her sequence and so the audience might not be as interested or engaged in the film, as they haven't witnesses anything interesting happening within the first couple minutes.

Group member 3: Leo Ly
My opening sequence idea is about, a psychopath who dresses as a clown. He does this because he has a split personality which shows the audience how unstable he is as he hides his personality behind the mask and costume which he wears. This also creates an enigma as the audience do not know who is behind the mask. His idea for fun is inflicting pain among the citizens, however when he targets a former marines daughter, a huge conflict arises. 
Strengths of Leo's narrative are that he has included whether the antagonist has a known or unknown identity also, the theme of his sequence is a psychological thriller. This type of thriller makes the audience keep questioning and thinking throughout the film about who the antagonist is and the reason for there motives, as a result it keeps them engaged. Moreover, his antagonist is a clown, which is a unique idea as well as being conventional as it scares the audience this is because many people have phobias of clowns.
Leo has not stated where shock, surprise, suspense and tension come in and whether there is any throughout his sequence. His sequence includes gory scenes, which the female audience might not like to watch or be as interested in watching compared to males, this could narrow the target audience. Furthermore, Leo has not stated the iconography of the weapon that the antagonist will use though our his sequence to carry out the murder of the victim.

Group Narrative Idea: 

The group narrative we have decided on is that there is going to be a clown with a hidden identity, he will be getting ready in the mirror, where we will use as shallow focus/over the shoulder shot. He will then go out watching his victim, a young female, whom he has a secret obsession over. She will notice him and will run and trip. Once he has caught up with her the audience will see him standing over her, which shows that he is dominant. He will then pull out his murder weapon, a knife and will kill her. However, the audience will not see the murder take place causing a kuleshov effect, which will keep the audience engaged and wanting to know what will happen next.

Me and my groups narrative is mostly based on Leo's idea however, we have included some elements from both mine and Samara's ideas as well. This is because we liked the idea of the antagonist having an obsession withe the victim, which is taken from Samara's narrative, and we thought that using the clown as the antagonist from Leo's idea would bring a unique theme to out sequence. We also thought that by using the female victim from my idea would be good as it is conventional to the thriller genre.

The theory we have followed with out group narrative is Aristole's theory. This is because Aristole's theory states that there should be and inciting incident, which we have as the clown kills the young female. The audience is also constantly wondering throughout the sequence who the antagonist is as there identity is hidden. As well as this, both the antagonist and the victim are introduced to the audience as the antagonist is the clown and the victim is the female. The stake within our sequence is that there is a sense of death as the antagonist kills the victim. Although, our resolution won't be shown within our opening sequence, it will be that the antagonist is found and identified, this will then answer the audience questions, this solves the enigma. Furthermore, sympathy comes from the audience as they feel sympathy towards the female victim as she is killed.

The Todorov theory does not fit in with our narrative, as we do not have a equilibrium at the beginning of our sequence or at the end. This is because we have a clown who is obsessed with young females and is about to go after his next victim at the start of our sequence. Therefore, there is only a disequilibrium in our opening sequence this is due to the reason that the female dies and because there is a dangerous masked antagonist. Moreover, Propp's theory also does not fir in with our narrative this is because this theory is usually based around fairy tales. For example, it states that there should be a hero, a princess as well as a donor which we do not have in our sequence.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some proficient group planning and discussions about the group narrative. It is clear to see that you and your group have considered the strengths and weaknesses of each others ideas, before coming up with the group narrative.

    1) Be clearer when explaining the inspirations that yours and Samara's had on Leo's idea in more detail
    2) Be careful with how you are writing about a protagonist, as your narrative does not include one
    3) Watch SPAG
