Wednesday 30 September 2015

Research Into Sound - Miss Miller

I will be researching about sound in thriller films. Sound is a important aspect of thriller films because without it the film would not have as much suspense or tension additionally, the audience would not be able to engage in the characters and their emotions as well or stay focused on what they are watching if there was no sound because the film would loose its suspense and mystery also causing the film to become less scary. 

The types of sound are:
  • Diegetic sound
  • Non-diegetic sound
  • On screen sound
  • Off screen sound
  • Parallel sound
  • Contrapuntal sound
I have chosen to analyse the opening scene from Scream (1996) because it includes many aspects of sound to hep in creating suspense within this scene.

Opening Scene From Scream (1996)

Off screen sound is when sound can be heard but you cannot see where it is coming from. This is used when the girl is on the phone to an unknown man which is throughout most of the clip but starts at 0:10. This creates a sense of mystery as we don't know who this mysterious man is but from hearing his voice which is deep and sinister we know he must be the antagonist in this film. Off screen sound is conventional to a thriller because it helps in causing suspense and tension because we want to know where the sound is coming from and where the man on the other end of the phone is as the audience find out he is able to see the young girl but she cannot see him, which helps in keeping the audience engaged as they want to find out who the man is and know what he is going to do to the innocent young girl.

Another type of sound used is non-diegetic this builds up the tension in the scene. This is when the soundtrack of sinister music is being played quietly in the background at 2:18 as well as between 2:25 and 2:43, while she is on the phone to the man when he asks what her name is as he wants to know who he is looking at and also, when she is checking if anything or anyone is in her garden. The sinister soundtrack infers to the audience that she is now scared of this man and what his intentions with her are. By using non-diegetic sound the audience stays engaged with the film as it creates a sense of tension and suspense as well as mystery for the audience causing them to want to know who the man is and if he is outside her house watching the girl while also on the phone to her. It is conventional to a thriller because it includes the main thriller themes suspense, tension and mystery which help in creating the thriller atmosphere in the scene.

Diegetic sound is usually used to make the scenes realistic and meaningful however the sounds can also have hidden connotations. In this clip diegetic sound occurs when the audience can hear a dog from outside barking at 2:22. Although, the dog could just simply be barking the hidden meaning behind this sound is that someone must be outside the house for example, the man on the phone to the girl and that is why the dog is now barking. This relates to thrillers because it helps creating suspense and tension and the audience can infer from this that he must be outside her house which also creates and enigma causing the audience to concentrate and become even more engaged as they want to know more about the man on the phone and what his plan for her is. 

Furthermore, Parallel sound is when the sound the audience hears is expected. For example, in this opening scene at 4:28 she is screaming and crying down the phone to the man. She is expected from the audience to feel this way because he has said he is going to kill her so she is begging him not to. Although, she tries to threaten the man by telling him her boyfriend will come after him, the audience can still sense that she is feeling scared a vulnerable. Therefore, this is conventional to the thriller genre as it the antagonists victim is usually young innocent females in thriller films also, screaming is expected in a thriller film as the victim is often surprised and shocked by the killer causing them to scream.

In conclusion my research into sound has helped me to see the importance of sound in the thriller genre and how it can effect the atmosphere and theme of the film. Each sound that his heard has an effect on the audience and in a way prepares them for what is about to happen in the film which engages them in the scene they are watching. The sounds that I have recognised and analysed in this scream clip are effective in creating suspense as they help in engaging the viewer and causing the audience to experience what the character feels through the sounds heard. Furthermore, sound massively impacts the audience as a whole and without sound the thriller does not have much suspense, shock, surprise or tension which are the main theme needed in a thriller film. Additionally, after watching this clip it has inspired me to think carefully about what type of music and other sounds i will incorporate in my own thriller sequence to help in the build up of the suspense needed to make the thriller mysterious to keep the viewers engaged. 

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a very good analysis of the sound techniques used within this sequence, mentioning what sound is used and what it creates for the audience, as well as how it is conventional to the thriller genre

    You need to:
    1) Relate all points back to the audience and how they are able to build a relationship with the characters involved
    2) Elaborate on your conclusion by explaining what inspirations you have taken from this clip and why (examples)
    3) Check SPAG
