Wednesday 6 January 2016

Rough Cut - Miss Georgiou

Audience feedback is important to a production as it means that the production company as well as the cast and crew can be given negative and positive feedback about the film. This then allows improvements to be made based on this criticism, which will mean that the thriller sequence can be made the best it can and so it will portray conventions that the audience would like to see. Therefore, a rough cut is essential to carry out before the final version of the thriller sequence as it allows us to achieve the highest grade possible. Additionally, we can easily improve our thriller to ensure the audience enjoy the thriller and that they are on the edge of their seats while watching due to the suspense, which has been created.

Me and my group received audience feedback about our rough cut of our thriller in a number of ways. For example, we screened our production to other people in our class and then allowed them to after give us feedback on what we could improve. As well as this we posted our rough cut to youtube and told people to watch it and comment what they think we done well and what they think we could improve. Moreover, we had also asked people if  there was anything else they would like to see in our thriller to help in the building up of suspense to keep them as the audience engaged. This helped us gain an insight of what we needed to change and improve to higher our grade of our thriller sequence and allow our sequence to fit more into the thriller genre. The feedback can benefit our production by it allowing us to make the changes needed to our thriller sequence to make it more suitable and conventional to the genre. Also, it can help in the film industry as it allows the producers and rest of the crew to see what needs to be improved to make the thriller stand out amongst others within the thriller genre. 

Our positive comments were that the 'sequence is very thrilling and suspenseful', 'good use of editing' and that they 'love the sounds that were used especially the heartbeat sound'. When reflecting on these three positive comments i can infer that my opening thriller sequence is conventional to the thriller genre. As well as this i can see that my group and me have successfully created suspense for the audience, which helps in keeping them engaged and wanting to watch more. I can also take from these positive comments that we have used a wide range of editing styles and that when improving our sequence to create our finale version we will not need to add any more in as well as this we should keep the heartbeat in as it build up suspense and tension. 

We also had three negative feedback comments these included 'the lighting is not conventional at times, it is fairly light in certain scene and areas.' We also got told that we 'could of used a wider range of shots and angles' as well as out circus music at the end being 'out of context' and that it is not 'conventional to the thriller genre'. From these comments my group and me can reflect on them to improve our thriller. For example, we will look over our lighting in our thriller and change some of our lighting when she is in the alley to be low key lighting to foreshadow that something bad is about to happen to that young girl. Moreover, we will also take out the circus music as the comment states that it doesn't fit in and is out context and so we will replace it with a more conventional sound. Also, we could not complete the feedback about our shots and angles as we had already filmed and had started editing. As well as this we had no time to re-film certain scenes however, if we was to re-film a scene then we could include a low angle to show how the antagonist is superior to the victim. 

Based on the comments given on our rough cut of our thriller sequence will will change and improve the lighting as in some parts of our sequence the light is to bright and does fit in what is going on in that moment in the sense. Moreover, we will take out the clown music at the end of our sequence because after looking back although this was a good idea it does not make sense and is out of context. As a result we will put suspenseful music in its place while the clown leaves the room after killing the victim. Finally, we will also add some ore edit as filters to some scene that have not been edited enough. For example, we can add a blurry effect for the point of view of the girl when she first gain consciousness and see's the clown. This will represent how she might be confused and will have loss of vision from being punched and knocked out in the alley previously. 

To summarise the benefits of creating a rough cut are to be given constructive criticism on what needs to be improved in order to create a thriller sequence that the audience would enjoy to watch and that keeps them engaged. Furthermore, without creating and showing the rough cut to people first to get feedback on our sequence it would not be as conventional to the genre. This is the reason behind why people in the film industry display rough cuts to small amount of people first and so they can put into the thriller what the audience wants to see. As a result this will lead to them having a higher profit from the film they have created as it will become more successful, due to the feedback from displaying there rough cut first.